So Monday, we started our first circles of the year. Our spiritual growth circles will help you grow in unexpected ways, and as a group/team and it is so much fun.
The Spiritual Growth Circles are open, which means all are welcome to come. At some point we may close the circles to new participants to allow a higher vibration to build. The energy increases when the group is the same all the time. New people (as they adjust, and get use to the process) can pull the vibration lower. At some point it is good to close the group to newbies. But, again, for now... we're all newbies. Everyone is welcomed to come see how this will work for you.
So in Monday's class after setting expectations and explaining the process, we held to circles. The first circle the energy came in big and strong. Jack (names changed to protect the privacy of the participants), who had been in circles before for many years, was holding the energy for the group. We began our first circle and I (as the leader) walked by around the group, looking for clues as to what the Angel Kingdom wanted to to discover. I could feel the Angel Kingdom using Jack as an energy point to create our communication with spirit (if you do this long enough, you'd be able to feel that too). This spiritual sense is named clairsentience (clear feeling). We talked about he other "Claire's" too (in the lesson before circle). Look for the "Claire" booklet at the front of the church to see them all or come to circle this Monday at 6:30 PM. Anyway, in the first circle someone's grandmother came to share her love.
Our second circle we got a bit better at getting details. God, the Angel Kingdom and our ancestors used our pet's names to actually get the name of someone's aunt. At first we got "Maggie" then "Magdalena". The aunt was nicknamed Maggie, but name Magdalena (same as the dog). Then someone got "Billy Bob Thornton" and Thorn was also a part of her name.
Both circles were about love, and to teach us that we are loved by our ancestors. Please come see how you can help, and if the circles are a fit for you.